Renewable energies have been attracting attention, but they are not suitable for long-term energy storage. To overcome this, research is being conducted on water electrolysis to produce hydrogen fuel. Hydrogen is also an energy carrier, which can be used in different places.
In photosynthesis, green plants use the visible light in sunlight to produce sugars from carbon dioxide. Similarly, fuel production using solar energy can be considered artificial photosynthesis. Here, a "catalyst" is dispensable to accelerate the chemical reaction rate. In particular, the one that works under light illumination is called a photocatalyst.
We aim to improve the performance of electrocatalysts and photocatalysts by designing materials based on their characteristics. If artificial photosynthesis enables the production of fuels and chemicals from renewable energies, net-zero CO_{2} emission could be realized.

- 光触媒・光電極・電極触媒などを用いた分子変換反応プロセスの開発
- 再生可能エネルギーを用いた燃料や化学品(水素や過酸化水素など)の製造
- メタンや二酸化炭素などの炭素資源の有用化学品への変換
- 新たな着眼点や手法による光触媒・光電極・電極触媒などの機能性材料の開発
- 種々の分光法や計算科学を駆使した物質特性や表面反応機構の学術的理解
- Catalytic process using photocatalyst, photoelectrode, and electrocatalyst.
- Production of fuels and chemicals (H_{2} and H_{2}O_{2}) using renewable energy
- Conversion of carbon resources (CH_{4} and CO_{2}) to useful chemicals
- Development of functional materials (photocatalysts, photoelectrodes, and electrodes)
- Academic research on materials and surface chemistry using spectroscopies and computational calculation
Photocatalyst, Photoelectrode, Electrocatalyst, Artificial photosynthesis, Renewable energy, Energy carrier, Heterogeneous catalysis, Photoelectrochemistry, Inorganic material chemistry, Surface science, Reaction engineering, Spectral analytical chemistry